Why a Librarian?

Hello all!

Before I get into more detail about the steps I’m taking towards becoming a librarian, I want to discuss how and why I decided that becoming a librarian is my dream.

During my last year at UVic, I spent a lot of time trying to decide what I should do after graduation. I already knew that I would be coming to Germany for 9 months to act as an English teaching assistant, but I also knew that I would need a long-term plan once that 9 months was complete.

I was fairly certain that I wanted to do a Master’s of some sort. I love being in university, I love to learn, and I figured that it was a good idea to pursue another degree while I was still in the essay-writing / all-night-studying frame of mind. What I couldn’t decide was what my Master’s would be in. I considered the English literature Master’s at UVic, a Master’s in Publishing in Ontario, and even considered a Law Degree. But each of these ideas would only last about a week before I would lose interest.

On a sunny day last February, I somehow ended up inside the library. I had come in there looking for a book, and it ended up being on the top floor – the one that isn’t a separate floor, but more like a raised platform. I found the book in just about no time, but was so content with being in the library that I walked around for quite a while before finally leaving. Everything was so silent, and I enjoyed looking at the rows of books a level down from the platform. I even took pictures, despite it not exactly being a photograph-worthy sight.

End of February 2013 020 End of February 2013 021 End of February 2013 022

After walking around the library for way longer than necessary, it occurred to me that I would love to work in a place like this. I had always dismissed the idea of being a librarian before; even when I learned that you need a Master’s degree to become a librarian (instead of just needing the ability to alphabetize books), I figured that the need for librarians is fading away as the electronic age takes over. But on that day, I decided to do a little more research. The people who had been telling me that librarianship is a dying profession weren’t exactly professionals on the matter.

When I got home, I typed in “Librarian Master’s” on Google, and slowly realized that society’s limited view of librarianship was leaving out a lot of information. Modern librarians work with so much more than just physical books, and technology plays an important role. I found out that there are seven universities in Canada that offer the Library Science program, including Dalhousie in Halifax. I joked to my boyfriend that it would be pretty cool if I could go to Halifax for my Master’s – a large amount of people in my family live there, and it’s always been a thought for me to spend more time there.

I expected the librarian idea to fade away after a week, same as all my other ideas did. I mentioned it to my roommate after about a week, and of course she also thought I would change my mind quickly. But a month went by, and then two…and it was still an idea that excited and intrigued me.

Over the summer, I discovered several blogs on wordpress written by librarians, and began following all of them. At one point, a friend of mine posted a link to an article called “16 Bookstores Around the World that you Must See” (http://www.buzzfeed.com/harpercollins/16-bookstores-you-have-to-see-before-you-die-9npd). After looking at that, it occurred to me that I should be seeing more libraries and bookstores while I travel. Now, while others spend a lot of time in museums and cathedrals throughout Europe, I focus in on the libraries.

In December, I began applying for Library Schools. After a lot of research, I decided to apply for Dalhousie, the University of Toronto,  Western Ontario, and the University of British Columbia. UBC currently has me on a waitlist, but I was very happy to be accepted into the other three schools. After a bit of debating back and forth, I ended up sticking with my gut instinct: I can’t wait to begin at Dalhousie!

I realize that my librarian dream is not exactly ideal. It is not a career that’s in high demand, and it may take me a lot of work to find a full-time job. I’m not going to become a millionaire, and with all of the recent closures of libraries across North America, I will probably have to face fighting to keep libraries open. But I am excited to pursue it nonetheless. I feel like it’s best to pursue something that excites me, instead of something that will make a lot of money right away. Maybe I’ll regret everything I’ve just said within the next two years, but for now: I’m going for it!

Thank you to everyone for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Next time, I shall begin to tell tales of my European library travels. Exciting stuff!

All the best,


2 thoughts on “Why a Librarian?

  1. Follow your dreams and passions Robyn, especially at your age.

    You will never work a day in your life, if you are employed at something you have passion for. If you have passion, you will excel and not mind the work and effort required. And eventually the money will follow.

    Besides, you will be surrounded by a world of resource, books and other media, to discover other opportunities that you may not be aware of now, if librarian turns out not to be what you thought it would.

    I think you are making a wise and considered choice Robyn. Best wishes for great success!

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